Centre Unveils Expertise and Intellectual Capital Bank


Lagos based International Graduate School, CIAPS (the Centre for International Advanced and Professional Studies) has unveiled a Bank of Commonwealth Expertise and Intellectual Capital.

The initiative tagged CIAPS Network of Academics and Professionals (CNAP) has been conceived as a Commonwealth Network of selected Academics, Certified Experts and Professionals that interact to share views, opportunities and partnerships based on their expertise and projects.

As a bank of expertise and intellectual capital, members of the CNAPS network provide insights, geopolitical and sector experience and expertise to public, corporate and other non-governmental organisations in their quest for growth and development.

CNAP members assist organisations with professional information and analysis before engaging investments and contractingCIAPS partnerships. They work with organisations and institutions to execute their strategic aims across the globe.

CNAP members also offer strategic advice to governments in formulating policies and assist private organisations to understand the implications of government policies.

Members of the Network will benefit from facilitated access to Research Funding, Publishing of General and Specialist Papers, Directory of Guest Lecturers and Expert Witness, Directory of Public and Private Sector Consultants, Becoming a Non-Executive Director, Participation in International Partnership and Collaborations plus International Exchange Programmes.

Speaking to journalists at the unveiling of the Network in Lagos, CIAPS Center Director, Anthony Kila clarified that “to become a CNAP member, you need a PhD or at least 10 years of experience in your sector or industry. Kila also stated that organizations and academics as well professionals interested in joining or working with CNAP can search out more information on the website www.experts.ciaps.org.


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