Tips To A Glowing Look.


By Sophie Ezekiel

Getting a routine facial should be part of everyone’s custom skin care management plan according to skin care specialists who recommend that people should have a professional facial done every 3 to 4 weeks to keep the skin clean, clear and toned.

To get perfect results from facials, an Esthetician, a licensed professional with the training and experience to understand the specific needs of one’sskin should be consulted.

The skin care plan to adopt depends on one’s skin and they tend to change over time. The skin type depends on how much water it has, how oily it is and how sensitive it is.

The types of skin we have include:

* Normal Skin Type: not too dry and not too oily.

* Combination Skin Type:  your skin can only be dry or normal or oily in the T-ZON (nose, forehead and chin).

* Dry Skin Type: you may have a dull complexion and more visible lines; cracked skin or peeling skin.

* Oily Skin Type: dull or shiny, thick complexion.

* Sensitive Skin Type: redness, itching, burning, dryness.

All types of skin require a daily skin care routine like regular cleansing of the skin to remove sweat, oil and dirt that the skin collects throughout the day and night.

To get a clear skin, please follow these 5 easy steps:

• Cleanse: your cleanser may vary based on skin type. It should be applied using an upward, circular motion to avoid wrinkles. If you have a very sensitive skin, using water would work.
• Tone: this should be applied right after you have cleansed your skin, while its still damp. Apply with a cotton ball, wiping upwards from your neck.
• Exfoliate: chemical exfoliating ingredients that work well with your skin type should be used.
• Moisturize: choose a moisturizer based on your skin type. It could be a cream, gel or oil. Rub gently in an upward motion.
• Apply SPF: this is to protect against sunlight during the day. It is best to pick moisturizers that contain SPF.

Skin diseases & Solution: 

– Eczema: triggers include being run down, stress and exposure to allergens.

Symptoms: dry, red, itchy patches of skin.

Solution: use moisturizers and hydrocortisone steroid creams.


– Vitiligo: it is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system destroys the pigment forming cells known as MELANOCYTES.

Symptoms: pale patches of skin.

Solution: steroid creams.

– Acne: Linked to a bacteria on the skin, often runs in families.

Symptoms: multiple swollen red spots, often with a small area of pus at the head of them.

Solution: antibacterial washes.

– Seborrhoeic Dermatitis: it is caused by an overgrowth of yeast called MALASSEZIA that lives on the skin.

Symptoms: red areas on the face with greasy looking skin flakes.

Solution: antifungal wash and steroid creams.

– Allergy: this could be caused by reaction to an allergy.

Symptoms: itching, swelling, blisters and scabbing.

Solution: remove the allergen or ensure you are not in contact with it and then you treat the symptoms with steroid creams.

Face Allergy


– Rosacea: an inflammatory condition, it is not infectious, triggered by stress, consuming alcohol could make it look worse.

Symptoms: redness, often small, red, pus-filled bumps on the face.

Solution: treatment can help, but this condition cannot be cure. It can last for years or be lifelong.


In conclusion, regular facials done by a professional could help prevent a lot of skin diseases that could end up leaving scars on the face. Every individual in search of a healthy and glowing skin should consider getting facials done.

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